Showcase Registration for the 2023 season is now closed
The Number One Ranked Basketball Camps and Shootouts
Streamed Live to over 2000 College Coaches
Games for each player will be video streamed live on our exclusive keystonestatecamplive site and
replayed 24/7 to over 300 million people in the United States and over 2,000 College Coaches! All
players will be introduced before the game and the Stars of the game will be interviewed on our site
after the game.
Better than NCAA certified. NCAA certified means coaches can attend, it does not mean they will
attend, coaches do not like to take the time to travel to events. Our Super 60 Showcases are
STREAMED LIVE which means College Coaches can watch in their office, at Home, on their laptop,
or on their smart phone. That’s why we get more college coaches watching than other events and more
players get contacted.
Select a Showcase & reserve a spot!
All online orders include an additional $10 processing fee.
Elizabethtown College
Sunday, August 6th at E-town (Elizabethtown College)
$120 before July 20 ($130 online)
$145 after July 20 ($155 online)
Applications can be submitted online (see below) or our application can be downloaded and mailed to:
Keystone Showcase
7 Hemlock Rd, Williamsport PA 17701 along with a check made out to Keystone Showcase.
Elizabethtown Showcase
Sunday August 6th , 2023
$120 before July 20 ($130 online)
$145 after July 20 ($155 online)
Showcase Registration for the 2023 season is now closed